I’ve loved plants as long as I can remember.

Foraging for wild berries, laying down in the fields to watch the butterflies, picking buttercups and holding them up to my chin to see if it glowed yellow, are fond memories from growing up in the woods in eastern Ontario.

I took my Masters of Information Studies and worked as a medical librarian for many years. I’ve studying Herbalism and Ayurveda for several years, mastering the art of plant potions like tinctures, teas, balms for the last 9 years. I recently completed my 200hr Yoga teacher training in Hatha/Vinyasa style.

I can’t believe how much of a difference the subtle energy of plants has made in my body, mind and spirit living with Lymphedema!

I’ve improved my skin, reduced my swelling, learned how to increase my immune function, cope with infections better, help my liver detoxify better, and the best one of all - improved my relationship with me body. I don’t hate my lymphie limbs anymore!

Do you want that for yourself too?

Check out my shop for Herbal medicine and self-care goods for lymphies, or book a 1-on-1 call here!

I’m a Lymphie, Advocate, Plant Medicine Witch, and Yoga Teacher!


  • Working in relationship with the plants & people, and Mother Earth

  • Sustainability

  • Quality over Quantity

  • Honesty

  • Lymph-loving always!

Values that are super duper important to me as human, business woman, and mother of 2 daughters.

Can you relate? If so, I think we could be besties!

My Approach - Wholistic Lymphatic Wellness - MY Lymph Wellth Method

Try our 7 day Lymphie self-care journal to get motivated and track your self-care habits.

I love coaching Lymphies about self-care and problem solving through common challenges like emotional pain, swelling, infections, how to adapt your lifestyle, and more..


Imagine if we examined our own health with the curiosity we give a great book, or gave ourselves the kindness we give to a friend?

My unique framework called Lymph Wellth, integrates the lived experience, PLUS wisdom and research from Ayurveda, and North American Herbalism with conventional health, into rituals and practices you can easily through self-care ar home.

Self-care is How you take control of your Lymphedema!

Not ready to take the plunge?

That’s okay! After all we just met!

Browse my free content on the blog to get seasonal self-care articles, recipes, and take deep dives in the plant profiles with me for Lymph Loving plants Im’ so excited to share with you!